Thursday, August 14, 2008

Du bist alt

I realized that I'm not doing well with the posts in August. We're almost halfway through the week, and I'm only posted three. So I do what I always do when I don't really have anything to say, but don't want to disappointe my loyal readers: A list post! Actually, I wonder it that could be my bloggy gimmick - since I don't really have a theme. You know, like Katy's bumper stickers and the little graphs over at "Indexed." I'll think about it. Anyway for today:

1) So Paris Hilton kicked ass. She's got 58% of the vote. She's not physically the strongest (Brett Favre) or the fastest (Liu Xiang), but you gotta hand it to her - that girl has something going for her. Anyway, Sarah once told me that Paris and I wear the same size shoes. If that's true and you're reading this, Paris, do you think that I could have the ones that you don't wear anymore? Just a thought.

2) I went to power yoga last night. It turns out that I'm neither strong nor flexible. Consequently, I'm very bad at it. I'm mostly okay with that. Last time I was sore for about four days. I'm fine today, but I suspect that tomorrow I won't be able to lift my arms to brush my hair. I'm going to persist because it's good for me and because the instructor is hot.

3) Yesterday was Katy's birthday. She requested a birthday Haiku, so here it is. And even though it isn't very good it took a surprisingly long time to compose.
und meine Freundin
Heute ist dein Gerburstag
und du bist jetzt alt
So that "and my friend, today is your birthday and you are old now." I wanted to work in achtundzwanzig Jahre alt, but I couldn't make it work out. Anyway, Happy Birthday, Katy!

4) Are you guys watching the Olympics? That Michael Phelps. I can't decide if he's impressive or if it's kind of annoying. That's probably how I feel about all talented people. Anyway, I'm glad for him this year, since otherwise China would be farther ahead with the gold. I'll put up a new, olympic themed poll tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Every time I see Michael Phelps, I totally expect him to start flapping those ears of his and fly away.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

thanks for my Haiku. I really like it. : )

Your poll could be something like, which Olympic sport builds the hottest physique. I think I'd vote for water polo.

anaeromyxo said...

I'm sort of vaguely glad that Michael Phelps is talented and doing well, but I'm sort of an underdog fan myself. I get more excited about the little engines that could. On the other hand, I'm enjoying the success of the US women's beach volleyball team and they won the gold last year. Maybe it's that, by the time a person has 8 gold medals from one olympics it starts to seem sort of greedy.

anaeromyxo said...

...and I quote, "Wow, 'greatest Olympian of all time.' That's a pretty cool title."

Anonymous said...

I find him to be completely adorable...something about his stature and the downward slope of his eyes remind me of you and daddy (maybe I'm just emily-sick) Also, his mom looks like a trim Aunt Linda, and she is hero, which equally endears me to him. I watched a special about him the other night. He tries to consume between 8 and 10 thousand calories a day, just so he won't lose weight. He has a bulldog that snores so bag, he sometimes wakes him up at night. His coaches tried to get him to give the guy away, but he refused. He also is 23, and all he does is eat/sleep and swim at University of Michigan, one of the most liberal schools in the country. So, I think it is ok to like him...especially the bulldog part :) SP

Anonymous said...

I really love Michael Phelps. Maybe I'm just old and a little sappy but I think it's nice when someone who has devoted so much of his life to achieve a goal, makes it. Makes me wish I had had that much passion about something. But then, I am also a HUGE fan of Tiger Woods. Auntie D

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

I'm kind of wondering what's next for Michael...another olympics according to many...he's only this like being a child star? and now he's got to spend the rest of his life learning to be mortal?

biophd said...

Michael Phelps did it! It's pretty amazing. I like him more in more - I think it may be because of the NPR story about how one of the reasons he does the dolphin kick so well is that he has really big feet. I can relate.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

Yay Phelps!

Will you do a post after the Women's Soccer Semi-final?