Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I'm a Georgia Voter

Do you know who I think is funny? Sarah Silverman. I mean, I feel bad about it, but it's true. Anyway, I saw that she made a video in support of Obama, so I thought I'd share it with you. By my calculation I have zero Jewish readers, so it's mostly for entertainment value.

Also, I thought I'd share with you that I voted! Yay! And the nice thing about the whole absentee ballot thing is that I can share this moment with you.

Here's the thing about voting: Usually I end up being surprised by some of the things on the ballot. I mean sure, I know who is running for president, but I rarely know what I think about the constitutional amendment to create tax allocation districts. If you find that you have the same problem, you can go here and fill out a sample ballot. It's pretty nice, because a lot of times the candidates have submitted information about themselves and you can read about it. For some reason it didn't have any information about the Georgia Court of Appeals race, but if you go to this website you can find interviews with each of the candidates (on the sidebar on the right).

I'm a little sad that I wont get to go to the poll on election day, but I'll probably survive. But if anyone wants to send me a GA Voter sticker, I'd be really grateful.

UPDATE: I just walked down to the post office and mailed my ballot. It cost 4 euros. I hope Obama appreciates that. Crap! I gave away who I vote for...


Reforming Soccer Mom said...

they should totally mail you a sticker. i'm awaiting my missouri ballot, because its just easier to vote there. also, tads are kind of a mess, I think.

Anonymous said...

I think absentee ballots might be the way to go. My mom went to vote early, and the line was over 2 hours long. Makes me a tad worried about the lines on election day.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

okay, I'm a little embarrassed to have just seen the whole sarah silverman video...especially since I'm really really suppossed to be working, but I thought this post on passive aggressive notes was very apropos considering....

anaeromyxo said...

apparently tads made all the development of downtown atlanta possible but if gentrification is one of the things you're against, then, maybe tads aren't good...Shirley Franklin supports them and I think they're good for Atlanta...based on what I've been told by a real estate attorney I know.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

My remark was a bit flippant, but basically the way I understand them is that they are a way to finance development (good, yes), but often the development that is financed displaces people without due process and also discourages longer term investments in places...however, I am most familiar with how these mechanisms work in Missouri and should better educate myself on the Georgia version.

biophd said...

I voted for the TAD amendment because I thought that is would help fund the beltline project. Or so they say on their website ( I probably should have asked you guys first, though.

anaeromyxo said...

I do really really like the real estate attorney I know. I mean, I like him like him, if you know what I mean...

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

hey, anaeromyxo , I need your phone number or can you email me? cause you have my address but I don't think I have yours and I need to ask you a question not on emily's blog. :)