Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Change We Can Believe In

Congratulations, America! I'm so proud of us - and glad to finally vote for a presidential winner. We can have a fresh start in the country and in the world. Since I have my finger on the pulse of European opinion, let me say opinion of Americans has gone up. I smiled at everyone I passed on the way to work this morning, and while they didn't smile back (Germans don't do that) I could sense a certain warmth.

Jenny and I stayed up all night to watch the results come in. I watched Obama's acceptance speech standing up, because anytime I was sitting I fell asleep. Hopefully I'll be able to be more coherent tomorrow.

Also, although Georgia did not go for Obama, the final numbers ended up being reasonably close. And I just saw that Newton County is blue! Good job, everyone!

Yes, we did!


Anonymous said...

It kinda makes me want to walk around giving high-fives to everyone. But since most of my coworkers voted McCain, I think that might get me punched in the face.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

I was pleased with John McCain's concession speech, and disappointed by the bo-ers. I also am very happy for the Obama daughters and their new puppy.

anaeromyxo said...

(see my blog) for some reason, I just feel sick-ish and sad, even though, really I'm excited and happy. I think it's too much for me. I came very close to throwing up at about 1am. Maybe it was bad pizza but maybe I just can't take this level of joy.