Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Computer Virus

I haven't had access to my computer all day, because it acquired a rather unfortunate virus. Or fortunate, depending on how you look at it.

Every time I clicked on one of the results from my Google searches, it redirected me to porn. Yikes! I'd include a link to the website, but I've spent enough time looking a porn at work today already. Feel free to look for yourself. It was called something like "PornTube" and had a layout very similar to YouTube. Except that the videos were all, you know, porn.

I have learned a couple of things from this experience. Not how to avoid such things in the future (I'm not sure what I did), but still a few things. One is that I will love Charles forever, since he spent about a day and a half trying to sort things out. And two is female porn stars have fake boobs. Neither of these are exactly new knowledge (although I refuse to elaborate on my previous experiences with Charles and porn), but both were more firmly established today.

Okay, I'm going to do non-porn related activities on my computer now.


H said...

Hey, this is not related, but I passed my Ph.D. defense!

biophd said...

Congratulations, Dr. Heather! How do you feel?

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

The Internet is for Porn, the Internet is for Porn....