I use that story to illustrate how nothing is going on in my life. It's cold, I'm taking care of Jenny's cats and watching a lot of Star Trek.
I think to compensate for the lack of interesting things in my life I've been dreaming a lot.
I'm not sure why, but last night I dreamed that I looking at a translucent pancake under the microscope, and it was full of daphnia infected by parasites (Sara - I think this must be because of you). At some point Dr. Crusher and Wesley Crusher started analyzing the parasite infection (clearly related to all the Star Trek). Then, after we had inspected the daphnia we decided to eat the pancakes. I offered one to Astrid but she refused saying something like "I'd like to stay pretty." In my dream I interpreted that as a comment about me eating too much.
Other dreams I've had recently include:
- Me being unable to wake up my brother so that he wouldn't be late for a job interview.
- Luise yelling at me because I hadn't done my German homework.
- Julia offering Charles a post-doc.
- Carsten driving me somewhere in a car (I had this dream right after I told Charles about #3, and Carsten asked if I ever dreamt about him).
- Barack Obama having lunch with me and Jenny in Wagner (a cafe) and getting harassed by the Germans about US foreign policy.
The dreaming continues. I refused to get up when the alarm went off this morning, so I had two weird dreams in the meantime. The first is that I was in the bathroom (in my Mom's house in GA, for whatever reason) trying to put on make-up, but it turns out that my face was made of glass and so the make-up looked weird and artificial. Which, obviously, is what I was concerned about - not that my face was made of glass.
The other one was that there was a virus sweeping the Earth that turned people into jerks. No other obvious symptoms, just that people started being mean and treating each other badly. A few of us were immune. This includes my mother, my cousin Sherry, and me. We had locked ourselves in a house and were enjoying some sort of buffet style meal while the world went to hell outside.
The dreaming continues. I refused to get up when the alarm went off this morning, so I had two weird dreams in the meantime. The first is that I was in the bathroom (in my Mom's house in GA, for whatever reason) trying to put on make-up, but it turns out that my face was made of glass and so the make-up looked weird and artificial. Which, obviously, is what I was concerned about - not that my face was made of glass.
The other one was that there was a virus sweeping the Earth that turned people into jerks. No other obvious symptoms, just that people started being mean and treating each other badly. A few of us were immune. This includes my mother, my cousin Sherry, and me. We had locked ourselves in a house and were enjoying some sort of buffet style meal while the world went to hell outside.
I would like a dream, please.
I have a similar problem, though. Its just no one asks to be in my dreams. Usually its people on facebook who I haven't spoken to in YEARS who turn up in them lately.
I had a dream when I was little that everyone was getting a virus that made them into murderers. The symptoms included some sort of bulge-y eyes. In the dream, my sister and I were riding the school bus to school and I turned to her to tell her that I thought the bus driver was infected, and when I turned, SHE HAD THE BULGE-Y EYES! It was terrifying...shiver...
Mes rêves sont devenus de plus en plus ennuyeux. Il n'y a rien qui intéresse du tout. Peut-être il est car je n'ai rien à faire! Tout que je veux faire est de travailler, mais il n'y a aucun boulot!
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