Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Wordwide Rankings

Just in case you were wondering, here's a bit of information I came across today. I choose not to comment on the results, but please, if you have an opinion, feel free to share.


1. Germany (too smelly)

2. England (too lazy)

3. Sweden (too quick)

4. Holland (too dominating)

5. America (too rough)

6. Greece (too lovey-dovey)

7. Wales (too selfish)

8. Scotland (too loud)

9. Turkey (too sweaty)

10. Russia (too hairy)

In contrast, here are the best lovers. Sadly, there aren't any reasons given here.


1. Spain

2. Brazil

3. Italy

4. France

5. Ireland

6. South Africa

7. Australia

8. New Zealand

9. Denmark

10. Canada


Reforming Soccer Mom said...

I know what the next poll on your blog should survey...

anaeromyxo said...

I guess that "America" covers all of the Americas since South, Central, and Latin Americas didn't make the list. That's a lot of people under one adjective.

anaeromyxo said...

Oh, wait, I see Brazil now. One of few non-white representatives on the list...

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

I wonder if there is a neighbors or roommates of the worlds worst lovers