Monday, November 9, 2009

Fun with Statistics

I noticed something interesting on the train this weekend. I was riding to Goettingen, and my train car was very crowded. In fact, 12 people were standing in the aisle. To my surprise, I noticed that they were all women. However, 19 of the 36 people with seats were men. I found myself wondering if this could be a coincidence, so I did a Fisher's Exact Test to figure it out.

Here are the results:

Table AnalyzedData 1

Fisher's exact test

P value0.0013

P value summary**

One- or two-sidedTwo-sided

Statistically significant? (alpha<0.05)Yes

Data analyzedMenWomenTotal

As you can see, there's only a 0.13% chance that such a distribution could happen by chance*, making this results significant.

Now the question is, why? Initially I thought it was because men are pushier and get into the train faster. Alternately, it could be mostly women getting on in Jena and the men were already sitting down. Anyone have any other hypotheses?

* Feel free to criticize my stats or reanalyze if you like.


Reforming Soccer Mom said...

I think you definitely should follow up with the subjects to determine point of entry and then explore what sort of male female population distributions exist along the train route.

anaeromyxo said...

I'm disappointed that you didn't dedicate your weekend to riding the train back and forth. You probably want more than one time point.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting, clearly you should have been a social scientist. I wonder about the age and able-bodiedness of passengers. Were most women young? were most men old? Also, when I was in Germany, I noticed that the BO of male passengers was more pungent than that of female passengers. Now I seem to have lost my statistical analysis of the pungicity of the body odor, but I also came up with results that asserted the level of male stank was significant when compared to female stank...just some thoughts...

My, my Emily, what an analytical mind you have :)