Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rhymes with "Hope"

It's been so long since my last post, I've been feeling like this one should be extra super mega great. However, since that's unlikely to happen, I'll just include a bunch of little things that have happened recently. Ready? Okay, let's go.

1. I've had a cold (I told you this post isn't great). I'm mostly recovered now, but I've managed to infect Carsten and Friederike. Hah! So now they're also walking around with tissues.

2. Ko is an uncle as of this morning. His new nephew is named "Joop." I think it's pronounced something like "Yope." According to some research that Friederike did this morning, it's a Dutch version of the name Joseph. However, I don't know why he gets bent out of shape when I mention that my imaginary child's name is Aslo.

3. Carsten told me that New Balance shoes are worn by white supremacists in Germany. Apparently it's because they have a big "N" for Nazi on them. I had no idea, but it's unlikely that I'm going to change. They offer a wide range of sizes and widths.

4. The weather has rewinterized. It snowed this weekend, and apparently it's going to be below freezing for some time.

5. I'll be in Atlanta this month. I have a job interview nearby, and I'll stay around for the weekend of March 27-28. It's not much time, but if I get the job I'll be around a lot more.

Also, sorry about the not so delicate nature of the poll on the side. It's just that Jenny told me that for most people it's at 10:30 at night, but that's not the case for me at all.


anaeromyxo said...

I'll tell you why I don't poop at 10:30 at night. Even if I think I could go, I'm usually anxious to get to bed and don't want to spend the time, reasoning that I could do it in the morning if necessary. Also, my answer to this question has changed since I've started staying home all day.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

Can the next poll be a gender segregated "how long does it take you to poop", because I am still trying to unravel the mystery of male defecation

anaeromyxo said...

I was just talking to someone who's (male) significant other spends 45 minutes sitting on the can! 45 minutes! What is he doing in there!?!

Unknown said...

The best part of your blog is that you are coming home at the end of March. I'm so happy!!!