Thursday, December 11, 2008

The City of Light

I've sort of given up hope that I can get my sister to do a guest post here, so it falls to me to recount the Paris adventure. However, I'm leaving in less than a week, so I'm including the pictures I have (click on picture) and one story. See below.

Perhaps the most exciting thing to happen was that I left my wallet on the train. Well, either that or it was stolen, but since no one used my credit cards I think it was lost. This turned out to be a bit of a problem, since you're supposed to have the card you used to buy the ticket on the train, and I didn't. The nice Deutschebahn man wrote a note on the ticket and stamped it (essential for all official German business), so fortunately we didn't have to buy new ones. Everything is okay now - I should have a new American bank card and credit card waiting for me at home. I'm going to my German bank today to explain the situation. I've been practicing (Ich kann nicht meine bankkarte finden...). Feel free to make fun of me for the wallet situation.

I was sort of lazy with the picture taking - maybe once I get home I can post Sarah's pictures as well. Charles is a way worse blogger than me, but I keep hoping that he'll put his on his blog also. Speaking of which - Jenny has pictures up from Thanksgiving. Check them out - you can see how good I am with children. Don't laugh.


Reforming Soccer Mom said...

Emily, you will have SO much fun being a monster with Nell. She's been perfecting her growl for months.

Also, I can't wait to see you!!

anaeromyxo said...

Poor poor Emily. You're always being so brave in the face of impossible frustration. The wallet thing sounds sucky and sort of scary :(

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

I would like another post about the German bureaucracy.

H said...

I found your blog through Katy! :-)

biophd said...

Welcome Heather! I see you have a blog too... I'll add it to my list.