Wednesday, September 9, 2009

No More Soup!

Since Katy would like to look at something other than the poop soup, here's something Sara sent to me the other day. Funnier than the hedgehog, but slightly less cute. Only slightly.

Okay, hopefully that put the "sausage" out of your mind. But, while you're here, I'd like to share this with you. I couldn't embed it in the blog, but if you're interested follow the link. It's an interactive NPR thing showing what the various health insurance proposals could mean for you depending on which group you're in now. I find it helpful, especially if you're like Jenny and have started a facebook war on the subject.


Reforming Soccer Mom said...

oh thank you. that is just how I needed to begin my day.

Ted said...

Great video. I would answer your poll but I need a button that says I don't trust the government to administer health care well. Hope you are having a wonderful learning and traveling and living experience in Germany.

biophd said...

Thanks. Germany is nice most of the time, and it's certainly a learning experience. I didn't put the thing about not trusting the government because I was trying to be more specific with what people thought might happen (i.e., long lines, rationed health care). But feel free to add others in comments.

anaeromyxo said...

The good news is that the only way we will end up with exclusively government-run insurance is if people like the public option so much that the private companies can't compete, in which case, perhaps the government will have done a good job.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

Um...why do we "trust" the government to own nuclear weapons? Its just a question of logic, not policy preference. Also, .... forget it, I just loved the dog. And, Emily, I voted that it will be like Russia because that was the most fun choice.