Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The View From My Window

Good morning! I took this video to show you guys that it's snowing hard here, but apparently snowflakes (which, as I learned last night are called "ice flowers" in German) don't show up well on my digital camera film.

At any rate, you can see the view from my balcony. The cats are fascinated and confused. They were delighted when I let them out, and now they're staring longingly at the window. Also, please note the appearance of my snuggie sleeve in the video. That is what I'm wearing. Also, a tank top, underwear, and leg warmers. Ah, the joys of working at home.

Also, I finally posted another poll. Sorry, I know I did one about Christmas music last year, but this one is slightly different, and it's likely that you didn't remember anyway.

Ko points out that "Eisblumen" are actual frost patterns, usually on glass. Meanwhile, according to Leo, snowflake is "Märzbecher."

Also, Charles suggested that if I jumped off my balcony I could get better snowflake video, since then I'd be moving at the same speed as the snow. I have not yet attempted this.


anaeromyxo said...

Unfortunately mass plays a role in acceleration, right? So I think you would only be moving the same speed as a snowflake for a very short amount of time immediately after jumping...

anaeromyxo said...

Oh, no, it doesn't does it? Hold on...acceleration is the same for everyone. That's the classic puzzle, right? It's just force that changes with mass and that's the reason you fall harder than a snowflake. Sorry for the blunder. I blame Milo.

biophd said...

Right, I think the acceleration would be the same if we (the snowflakes and I) were falling through a vacuum. But I think they have more air resistance than me, so I'd be going faster.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

Nell thinks snow is beautiful.
Emily, did you see what I posted on my blog in response to your previous post?