Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Lab Is Full of Dorks

Jenny has the pictures from the pumpkin carving, so I can't post those today. Instead let me share the e-mail that a certain member of my group sent to us. The subject: A change in time for journal club. I won't tell you who it is (because most of you don't care), but it starts with a "Ch" and ends with an "arles."

to stay in Matt's style, but to make it more universal :

01100101010101110010100101000000 -> 01100101010101110101000001010000

and for the ones being in the second (and last) group of the 11 groups
of people (the one not understanding binary numbers, as I realise that
if you are not in the first group of the 11 groups, you may not
appreciate the subtlety of separating people in 11 groups)

11:00 15 A 08 -> 11:00 16 A 08 (note the presence of A, which should
help you to define which coding is used)

And if it is not helping, then, just be aware that the journal club is
not taking place on stardate -314194.78 but on stardate -314189.32 (why
the hell are the decimals different??? if someone can explain this to


I confess that I looked up the stardate online, but I don't even know what the middle code is. Can anyone help? By the way - Charles, if you're reading this, I say "dork" with admiration and envy.


Reforming Soccer Mom said...

Sigh. Emily, please come home. I need someone to whine to.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...


Check this out people

Garadiol said...

So, being the anonymous author of this exceptional email, I have to complain... I tried to be as universal as possible, and to go over our cultural barriers using basic codes... but it seems I do not well understand humans... So I will now spend my evening with my friend the computer...