Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back in the Lab

I'm back in Germany, and sort of adjusted to the time difference. The weather could be worse. It's warm, but it's also raining. Sigh. It's looking cool and sunny for the weekend. People seem mostly glad that I'm back, or maybe they're just glad that I brought the giant Spock sticker for the freezer in Charles's lab. And a whole lot of peanut butter candy.

Anyway, I thought I'd provide just a few pictures for you all. Here's my family one night while were were at the beach. First, here are my lovely siblings:

Here's one of me with Mom. Notice the difference in skin color. Really, it's insane. In theory, I have half of her DNA. Part of it is living so far north, but I think it's mostly genetic.

Here's one of me with my friend Tiffany and her new daughter, Shelby. Shelby is six weeks old, and has feet sort of like mine. Sorry Shelby. If it keeps up this way, shoes are going to be an issue. Sammy is on my other side. He's jealous of the baby. I think you can see it in his eyes.

The final picture is what awaited me when I got home. It turns out that you really shouldn't leave coffee in the coffee pot when you're going to be away from a couple of weeks.

So the message here is that I don't really take pictures. The ones from home are courtesy of Quinton. Unfortunately I don't have one of me holding Wendy's baby or with my friends or extended family. Oh well. I think there's something to be said for enjoying a moment rather than trying to document it all the time. Anyway, I had a great time and it was good to see everyone. Now it's back to work, although at the moment I'm posting this blog rather than actually working.


Anonymous said...

I miss you, em.... (I think it's okay to call you that since the lady at the swim suit shop kinda made it your official nickname) I'm glad you are doing okay. (mom)

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

glad you're back at work. i feel safer knowing Science is in your capable hands.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

Hi Tiffany's baby!