Thursday, June 26, 2008

This post is not about football

Okay, actually it is about football. But I sense that my loyal readers (both of you) are a little tired of hearing about it, so I was trying to draw you in with the title.

Here's the New York Times article about the game. Detschland wins.

These are some fans cheering in Hamburg. Jena was sort of like this, except smaller. Lots of flags and people hanging from traffic lights cheering. Jenny took lots of pictures, and says that she's planning to post them to her blog. Not sure when that will happen, but check it out if you're interested.

So here's how it has to go down for me to win: Russia wins tonight, 2-1. I get the correct score, so then I move even with Astrid, and within striking distance of Matt. Then, Germany (of course) wins the final. Astrid and I both overtake Matt, and much rejoicing ensues. I'm not sure how I can overtake Astrid, unless I predict the correct score of the final game and she does not. I realize that it's a long shot, but I'm hopeful. Georg, by the way, is in last place.


anaeromyxo said...

This looks really fun. It looks even crazier than when the Braves won the world series in Atlanta! There were fires in the streets. Another time that people were excited was when the Falcons went to the SuperBowl. Lots of shouting from cars. No big crowds though. What are they crowding around? Are they just running out into the street?

biophd said...

I think this was a picture of the public viewing area in Hamburg. In Jena all the people watching the game just piled out of the bars onto the streets. Then some guys climbed up the traffic lights to lead chants and wave flags. The others in the lab say this is nothing compared to the celebrations in big cities. Maybe if Atlanta set up big public viewing areas downtown we could have spontaneous street parties too.

K-Way said...

I personally love the last line of this post.

Good luck, you seem to be doing a fantastic job picking the winners.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

emily, I'm sorry about russia. I watched most of the game online on espn360 (which is very cool, by the way). looks like you'll get points for germany winning, though. I don't think Spain are up to it. Though, my bracket was crap, so don't listen to me anyway.

we are having a fourth of july cookout to celebrate not living with my parents (blog readers are invited) and I was sad I couldn't invite you. :(

biophd said...

If Germany wins I could still pull even with Matt (and leave Carsten far behind). I'm not sure if I could overtake Astrid, though.