Friday, May 29, 2009

Words I Hate

I realize that English is not the most beautiful language in the world. I also realize that it's constantly evolving, and that, unlike other languages, we have no official set of rules to tell us what is and is not a word. Still, I find some words especially irritating.

I mean, I found the term "staycation" annoying, but then I saw this thing on NPR about a "nocation" which isn't really a thing. It's working. Which we already have a word for.

And then I was watching "Larry King Live" after the whole American Idol thing finished for the season, and the term "bromance" came up repeatedly. Turns out that a bromance can end in a "dudevorce" which makes my skin crawl.

Research on this topic led me here and here. And, realizing that "Brangelina" is also a frankenword (okay, I kind of like that term) made me feel more justified in my annoyance.

Of course, I eventually realized that I use a lot of these words too: Informercial, workaholic, spyware, and even (I'm sorry to say) blog.

But I still think "bromance" is stupid.


Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree, but you know you have seen those sites where they make up new words from two other words and the results are funny and kinda ridiculous...

anaeromyxo said...

I hate when they do this to neighborhoods. For example, for a while, they were trying to coin a term "Sono" for neighborhoods south of north avenue. Stupid. Also Poncey-Highlands.

kim said...

Can I invent a new hated word? Babycation. I need one. Just one stretch of sleep longer than 3 hours. Please. Ok. I will try not to whine but why isn't this a word.