Friday, May 1, 2009

So cute it hurts

Matt sent me these pictures. Really, I can't even talk about it without having to express myself through a series of high pitched squeals.

Everyone was amazed by the cuteness (he had dirt on his little feet!) except Jan. He's cold.

Also, check out this blog. This guy is a genius. I wish Germany would get some delis. I miss sandwiches.


Melissa said...

Dude, I have wanted a hedgehog for the longest time, but they're illegal in Georgia! Le sigh. They are too cute.

anaeromyxo said...

Holy cow, those feet are cute. It's really hard not to do the squealing thing in this circumstance.

kim said...

Tom had a hedgehog names Hedgie when we were in Davis. His grandma smuggled the guy in from the Czech Republic. It can be done.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

eeeee! I want it! I need to go hold my baby to handle the excess gooeyness

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

dude he is a genius