Monday, August 18, 2008

Things that are round

I always try to choose answers to the polls (over there on the left) that will cause people to be evenly divided on a subject, but I can't quite do it. Tug-of-war is dominating. I like the idea, but Tug-of-war also makes me think of field day, and how they chose the fat kid to be in the circle at the back of the rope, and that makes me sad. I wasn't the fat kid, but field day was still stressful. The only even I ever remember doing well in was spitting watermelon seeds. I haven't practiced a lot since then, so I don't know if I'm still able to do it well. I did spit cherry pits out of the window of the break room one day here, which prompted the Germans to lecture me on the importance of liability insurance. You'll be relieved to know that I purchased it with my health insurance. Just in case I manage to break a car windshield with a cherry pit.

It seems like I meant to have a point with this post... Oh yeah - Katy requested earlier that I report the results of the women's semi-final soccer matches. I'm sorry to say that Germany lost to Brazil, but the U.S. beat Japan 4-2. So hopefully the U.S. will beat Brazil in the final and we can stay ahead of China in the medal count. I say "we" because I've contributed so much to the team effort. I think it's all the time I spent training with Michael Phelps that really pushed him to be so impressive in the Olympics.

Now I've titled the post, because I see a theme developing - the round things so far include soccer balls and cherry pits (don't say fat kids! That's not funny.) So the next thing on the list (I can't help it, I like to organize my thoughts in this format) is also round.

Saturday night Jenny and I invited ourselves over to Kristina's house. She's a good sport, so she made us dinner. We were hanging out when Charles called and told us to check out the partial lunar eclipse. So we got some beers and a blanket and set on a hill by the planetarium looking at the moon. I didn't take pictures, but it looked like this:

You get the idea. It was all very nice. The problem with eclipses is that anytime I think of them I end up singing the song. You know...

"Once upon a time I was falling in love
But now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart"

I'll leave you with that for today.


anaeromyxo said...

So, I've confused my friends and family by telling them that your poll sports were former olympic sports, which is what I thought your question implied. Is that wrong? Because my family and friends insist that these sports were never part of the olympics.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

your family is wrong. tug of war was definitely part of the first olympics. i'm pretty sure the u.s. won.

biophd said...

According to wikipedia, those are all discontinued Olympic sports. What, you think I don't research these posts?

If you're interested in the winners, you should look at this Wikipedia article. The US won in 1904, but apparently Great Britain was sort of a dominant force.

Reforming Soccer Mom said...

because of all the practice they got at their private schools

anaeromyxo said...

Ah, yes. I looked them up and schooled Kevin who, at that point, insisted that he never said that they weren't former olympic sports. I titled my email, "You are totally wrong," included the information, and sent. He emailed back, "About what?" Very frustrating.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of wacky olympic sports, I woke up this morning to watch the marathon men's walking (maybe not a marathon, like 31 miles...a 20k, I think) Those guys are insane, they walk, to me what looks like "old-man running" in which they make the motions of running but never get that bounce. It is crazy looking, but they finish in under 4 hours...still better than my running marathon pace :)