Thursday, May 1, 2008

Christi Himmelfahrt

Today is a holiday here in Germany - if fact it's two. This is May Day (Maifeiertag) which is like Labor Day, but it's also Christi Himmelfahrt. Today Germans celebrate Christ's ascension into heaven. However, Ascension Day is Father's Day in Germany and the way to celebrate it is for the men to get really drunk and rowdy. People keep warning me to watch out for the crowds of drunk men. It's actually kinda disconcerting, since there are much fewer women on the street today than on other days.

I'm in the lab now, but since it's a holiday I think that I'm going to head back to my new apartment soon and unpack. I'll post picture of it soon. Assuming that I survive the trip back through the drunken hordes.


Anonymous said...

Himmelfahrt. *snigger*

biophd said...

Jan broke it down for me: "Himmel" means sky or heaven, and "fahrt" means journey. I had to try hard not to giggle when he said "fahrt."

Anonymous said...

Life most certainly is a fahrt.