Friday, April 18, 2008


I think you know that you've adjusted to a new place when your dreams start taking place there. Which means that I haven't quite adjusted to Jena yet. I think I told some of you about the zombie dream I had a few weeks ago, which involved me hiding in the kitchen of my pink apartment in Atlanta (I think I lived there in 2003) while a zombie was terrorizing the police trying to catch him right outside the door. I woke up to hear the neighbors getting it on next door. I'm not sure how that relates to zombies, but I'm sure there's a connection somewhere.

Last night's dream was part of a series of dreams that I thought might be over now. Dreams about my former adviser (and if she's reading this it's important to remember that these dreams are more about me than her). There were a couple of classics: The one where she explained that Amy was defending before me because I didn't work hard enough. Then there was the one where she explained that I'd never be a good scientist because I "think too much like a woman."

Anyway, in last night's dream I was saying goodbye to her when she hugged me and suggested that I should try to loose some weight. And then she gestured to my thighs. Needless to say, the dream version of me was incensed. So in the dream I spent a lot of time going around to people saying "can you believe she said that?". People got sort of shifty and avoided eye contact, and said something like "well, you know...".

I'm not sure why the former adviser shows up in my dreams to give voice to all my insecurities. I doubt I'll have similar dreams about the new adviser, but I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Ok Emily, I am now officially caught up on your blog...the showerhead is bullshit and Julia sounds to be taking on Amisha's mom/grandmother characteristics...I'm worried. Anyway I love you, miss you, and am jealous of your limerick writing capabilities. Also, when I come, I'll dress kind like Lorelei, you like Rory, we will have rapid witty banter and we'll eat ice cream in the subzero temperatures of October.

Love you, SP

Anonymous said...

Hey, you can't really blame me for things I've never done or said. But I will take this posting as the "happy birthday" wishes that it was meant to be. Thanks Emily!